Monday, December 9, 2013

Williams and Sonoma Special Elaine's Tin

We are so thrilled to share with you all that William's and Sonoma is carrying our toffee again this Holiday Season and check out these special beautiful tins just for them!

Williams & Sonoma, another great place to purchase Elaine's Toffee. Check them out!


  1. Congratulations! I cannot wait to try your toffee.

  2. I need to know what happened to my order that was completed on 12/23. The order # is 20254 and it has not been received in Denver yet. I, at least, need the UPS tracking number which was not included on my email from you.

    1. First of all, I need a name and email to respond, as your blogger profile has none of this information. Also, did you order from Elaine's direct or Williams & Sonoma? Please respond to so I can help. I am the social networking marketer and the main office is closed but I will do all I can to help you get an answer. Please note though that if you ordered Williams and Sonoma, you must contact them directly for information as they are a separate entity.
